Introducing... Peanut Butter!
I've been writing code for about 15 years now. It's not really that long, considering the amount of time that friends of mine have been writing code, but I guess it's not an insignificant portion of my life.
Anyone who writes code eventually figures out that there are some common problems that we solve time and again; and the time we spend solving them is time we could have spent solving more interesting problems.
Such common problems include (but are certainly not restricted to):
- INI file parsing and writing
- Random value generation (especially for testing)
- Win32 polling services
- Dealing with temporary files which need to be cleaned up as soon as we're done with them
- Writing SQL statements (yes, sometimes we don't have ORM frameworks to help us (eg when we have to deal with Access) and sometimes we use super-light frameworks like Dapper which need us to do the SQL grunt work ourselves)
- Systray icons
There are many more, of course.
There are a few ways we could deal with this scenario. We could re-write, from scratch, algorithms to provide solutions to these common problems. We could copy-and-paste known working code into our solutions every time. We could try to find someone else who has provided a library to help (and we certainly should, before embarking on rolling our own, if we value our time).
PeanutButter ( is a suite of small libraries aimed at tackling such common tasks. I built it out of a desire to re-use bits of code that I'd spent reasonable amounts of time on where those bits of code could perhaps save me time later. PeanutButter modules are available from Nuget and enable me (and anyone else who so desires) to spend more time on interesting tasks and less time on the more common ones.
I hope to spend time introducing the different modules of PeanutButter in more depth. I really hope that this code and blog can perhaps save someone a little time and effort. Even if I'm the only person to use PeanutButter, I'm OK with that -- it serves me well. But if it can make dev a little friendlier for someone else, all the better.
PeanutButter is employed in a few commercial products. Licensing is BSD, so you're free to use it, fork it, break it and keep all the pieces. Feedback is welcome and contributions will be considered.
Off the bat, PeanutButter offers (in small, fairly independant Nuget modules):
- PeanutButter.DatabaseHelpers
- provides builders for Insert, Update, Select, Delete and data copy (insert into X select from Y) SQL statement builders for Microsoft-style databases (MSSQL, Access), SQLite and Firebird (other dialects can be added on request/requirement)
- DataReader and Scalar executor builders
- Connection string builder (Access only, but I plan to expand this)
- PeanutButter.INI
- Provides reading/parsing and writing of INI files in a very small library with a very simple interface
- PeanutButter.MVC
- provides shims and facades to make testing MVC projects easier, especially when you'd like to constrain script and style bundle logic in your tests
- PeanutButter.RandomGenerators
- produces random values for all basic types (string, long, bool, DateTime), enums and selecting a random item from a collection
- includes GenericBuilder, a builder base class which can build random versions of any POCO class. GenericBuilder is extensible, but doesn't do collections since I haven't determined what the optimal course of action is there. Still, it's proven to be very useful and has freed literally hours and hours of dev time that I (and others) would have spent on generating random input for tests requiring complex objects
- PeanutButter.ServiceShell
- provides a simple shell for Win32 polling services. You just have to set up the name, description and interval (default is 10 seconds) and override RunMain. Your Program.cs has one line to run in it and suddenly you have a service which:
- Polls on a regular interval, guaranteed not to overlap (runs which exceed the poll interval just result in the next run being executed immediately)
- can install, uninstall, start and stop itself from the command line
- There's an example project, EmailSpooler, which demonstrates usage. EmailSpooler is a win32 service which polls an email registration table in your database for unsent emails and, using a configured SMTP server, attempts to send those mails, with handling for failed sends and backoff time. Whilst being an effective example for how to use the Service Shell, it was also an application actively used in production... until the client and I parted ways. It's generic enough for anyone to use though, and it's free. Help yourself.
- PeanutButter.TestUtils
- provides a PropertyAssert class to easily test equality of properties on disparate object types, using property names and types. It's great for reducing the amount of time spent writing tests to ensure that DTO property copies take place as expected.
- PeanutButter.TinyEventAggregator
- provides a "prism-like" event aggregator with very little overhead. In addition, it can log subscriptions and publications to the Debug output so you can figure out why your program is misbehaving (especially when you forget to unsubscribe...) and provides convenience methods like SubscribeOnce (to just be notified on the next publication) and, of course, the ability to subscribe for the next [N] events. You can interrogate subscriptions at run time and even pause and resume eventing which is quite useful from within winphone apps, when your app is backgrounded and resumed.
- PeanutButter.TrayIcon
- provides a simple way to create and use systray icons, using register methods to create menu items with callbacks
- provides methods to launch and respond to clicks on bubble notifications
- provides an animator class to animate your tray icon, given a set of icon frames
- PeanutButter.Utils
- provides AutoDeleter, a class implementing IDisposable which will clean up the files you give it when it's disposed (ie, when leaving the using scope)
- provides AutoDisposer, which works like AutoDeleter, on disposing multiple registered IDisposable objects. Great for reducing your using nests
- AutoLocker which locks a Semaphore or Mutex (though you should avoid win32 mutexes as they are, imo, broken) and releases when disposed so you can use a using block to ensure that your locks are acquired and released even if an exception is thrown
- PeanutButter.WindowsServiceManagement
- provides mechanisms to interrogate, start, stop, pause, resume and just plain "find out more about" windows services.
- PeanutButter.XmlUtils
- for the moment, just provides a simple Text() extension method to XElements to get all of their text nodes as one large string.
I will be elaborating on each one a little more, with some code samples, in the near future. For the moment, it's enough that I've announced them. Oh yeah, and version 1.0.50 is available through Nuget and on github.
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